Open Door Relief Center
" The missing link in the chain of supply for relief efforts and non-profits."
"A Donor of Non-Perishable Supplies and Food."

I am excited that you are taking the time to understand my business more. I hope you find my story and business interesting enough to come and say hello.
My Story
My father passed away and I remember how it changed my world. We had no funeral and it felt like I never got the closure I needed. It was during COVID, and I had a new sympathy towards those who lost loved ones from COVID and had no way to grieve their loss. One thing that helped me to process my loss was doing something creative. That's when I thought about how everyone, back in the day, used to get together and go to ceramic classes. I started talking to others who experienced loss and, in our conversations, I was amazed at all the people who missed getting together and loved ceramics. It was an eclectic bunch of people from all walks of life. Some nostalgic about the days they participated in ceramics and others wanting to share that memory with their children. We all had something in common. We all lost someone we loved. I decided to launch this startup to create ceramics and use it as therapy to help others grieve their loss.