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Open Door Relief Center
" The missing link in the chain of supply for relief efforts and non-profits."
"A Donor of Non-Perishable Supplies and Food."
How This Works ?
1. Open Door Relief Center receives a Truckload of Pallets from A Major retailor like: Macys, Bed Bath Beyond, Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, etc. (Many More)
2. Open Door Relief Center announces Pop Up Sale which may be held at different locations. Location will be announced and is usually a space donated to Open Door for one week.
3. Appointments will be set on a first come first serve basis throughout the week.
4. You come view the pallets and pick which one you want.
5. Once you find a Pallet you want; you make a donation to Open Door Relief Center by Cash, CC, or Money Order in the amount (or more) of the set pallet price. Pallets usually range from $150-$999 each. Merchandise on Pallet will vary by each pallet.
(Some Pallets may be by private bidding)
6. Donation received; you take away your Pallet immediately.
(since the value of Pallets most likely will always surpass the amount donated, in this fundraiser, no tax receipt will be given. ) All Sales, per say, are final. You make the suggested donation per pallet and we give you the pallet of your choice.
7. Open Door Relief Center takes proceeds from fundraiser and purchases a tractor trailer load of supplies to help children in need, Veterans in need, individuals impacted from disaster, and people struggling with affordability.
8. At the end of the day both you and Open Door feel good about helping each other, and others who live within Florida in need.
9. We then will contact you on our next Pop UP Sale.
Any Additional questions please feel free to call Sam@ 561-400-5759
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