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Pioneer Your City

Pioneers are not afraid to go where others have not gone before. The first to help settle a new territory.

You may not be aware that my wife and I were sent to South Florida by God’s leading. Never did we imagine this mission field, we would enter, would comprise people that potentially could impact the world. We live near people from multiple cultures, countries, and backgrounds. We have what I call the “New Mission Field”, due to the recent hurricanes. They estimate that over 350,000 people from Puerto Rico have now made Florida their new residence. That’s allot of people to reach for God. My wife and I have been on this mission to launch Open Door Relief Center. We have made great progress completing all the necessary preparations for what I would consider to be not only an opportunity to reach thousands in need, but to reach them for Christ. This is our passion. To ultimately help relieve the burden of crisis while introducing people to a Savior that can change the rest of their lives and eternity. We are now in a critical phase to get this launched and initially funded. We need your help to do it! I am asking everyone I know to pray and ask, if God would put on your heart, to send us an offering. To be apart of this pioneering effort, to reach literally hundreds of thousands of people for Christ. This is me asking you to pray and partner with us one time or over the next few months with an offering that will make an immediate impact into Open Door Relief Center. This gift will change thousands of lives ongoing. If you are unable to give please send this to others who may be able to give and can definitely pray. While you consider giving, please let us know how we can pray for you too. We would love to hear from you and what God is doing in your life.

Additionally, we would like to thank Pastor Lon Dean, House of Praise, Pastor Tom Pileggi, and Calvary Gospel Church for your initial donation to help. We are almost there thanks to you!

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