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A Plan That Works


I wanted to share the importance of having Plans that work. Many of us develop plans and spend a lot of time implementing them. Do they work? I'm relentless for working something long after it hasn't worked the way I planned. I guess I am an eternal optimist. Somewhere during trying so hard I got tired of wasted energy and just wanted to do something that really worked. I believe it starts with a longing for a plan that is successful. Then we can’t be afraid to fail. I'm reminded that real failure is staying down and not getting back up when something does not work out. The more we try the more we learn what works best and what doesn't. Learning to let go is the next big step to success. I have learned to let go of many things; some even good things. They just were not my best. I think success is not just a destination as it is a journey.

An example of my journey

I have walked what it seems to be a long journey to get to the place of now running a nonprofit. I learned all the pieces through the journey. I learned the moving business from my late father who started his own moving business. I learned hard work from my time at UPS loading trucks and driving. I learned customer service, and leadership from my time as a real estate broker, CEO of an Investment firm and training academy. I learned Integrity from volunteering years at my church and eventually becoming a licensed minister. I learned compassion from working at a nonprofit helping others through addictions as a Counselor. I learned entrepreneurship launching my own invention Tea-Drops. I learned to network, overcome fear, and really get to know my community working for a brokerage firm. I Learned to work independently as an independent insurance agent and the value of a team.

I never thought at this time in my life I would be Operating Open Door Relief Center. All I have learned in my journey now is being used to its fullest. It seems our journey focuses the plans we have. It also redefines what we may think success is. All these previous pursuits were good, but now can be greater focusing on helping others. This all came together in a way I could never have imagined. We will soon be bringing millions of dollars of supplies to those in need for pennies on the dollar. When you begin to use all your talents to help others the reward is more than monetary; it’s a plan that satisfies completely.

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