Spirit Day at Chick-Fil-A
We have the unique privilege of sponsoring The KaGra foundation to help them raise funds for supplies. The KaGra Foundation is a new...

A Dream Come True
Tea-Drops I am an avid coffee lover. I always have been. I also love to eat. Everything seemed fine except when I started to suffer from...

Interview with WRPBiTV & Open Door Relief Center Director Sam Lamanna
#VeteranReliefCenter #VeteranRelief #churches #business #Makingadifference #givingtocharity #HelpingNeeds #RefreshingTheHumanSpirit...

Veteran Relief Center
HONORING OUR HEROES Next Year our goal is to be fully operational with a Veteran Relief Center. This would be a store with items free of...

Free Church Supplies Now
Open Door Relief Center is working to Help your church as we continue helping others. Let's get you free supplies to Increase your...

Gifts That Make A Difference
ShopOpenDoor.com Looking for that perfect office Gift Want An Exclusive Shopping experience Need a gift for someone that has everything A...

Make A Difference That Really Counts
When it comes to helping people, I don’t mind asking for help. I am a true believer that a little, if used correctly, can go a long way....

A Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
As we drove through the Florida Keys, we were surrounded by debris along the once beautiful Overseas Highway. Time stood still as we...

Homelessness From Irma
The Sunshine State will take years to recover from the worst hurricane season on record. The further down the coastline, the need and...

Man in Fl Keys Throwing out Appliances
I had the unique privilege of meeting a man named George in the Florida Keys. He was stopped on the side of the road. It resembled a...

When Devastation Moves Your Dreams
Can you imagine returning to your home in the Keys, after Hurricane Irma and seeing this in the road? Many companies advertise how they...